Porcelain Veneers

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Information on cosmetic dentistry

Information on Cosmetic Dentistry Porcelain Veneers
Dec. 14th, 2008 at 3:18 PM
Porcelain veneers are extremely thin casings of ceramic that are bonded to the front of the patients' tooth to create a new smile. Porcelain veneers are placed over the front of teeth that appear too small or large, slightly discolored, or simply are not cosmetically pleasing to the patient. For many patients, teeth may have chipped, become discolored, or are slightly crooked. For the majority of these patients, porcelain veneers can prove to be the perfect solution.

When placing porcelain veneers, we pay close attention to the patients surrounding teeth and design each veneer to complement the overall smile. The result is a beautiful, attractive new smile.

If cared for properly, your veneers will last you a long time. The dentist ensures that your new veneers are constructed of the most durable porcelain materials available.

The procedure begins with the preparation of the tooth. This entails removing the discolored or unsightly portion of the tooth and meticulously shaping the tooth in preparation for the new veneer. Once the dentist has shaped the tooth, they will take an impression. This impression will be sent to the lab where your new restoration will be crafted. While the new veneers are created, the dentist will provide you with a temporary restoration. Temporary restorations will resemble your natural teeth so that you can continue with your daily life without worrying about a missing or incompatible tooth.

During your second visit to the office, the dentist will proceed with the placement of your final restoration. The veneers will be fitted comfortably into the mouth. We will make every effort to ensure that the new tooth feels exactly like one of your natural teeth. The final step in the process will be to bond the new porcelain veneers into your mouth, leaving you with a beautifully restored smile.

As we get a little older, our teeth begin to change and are prone to decay. There are many possible reasons for this change in your smile. These reasons can include bruxism (teeth grinding), general decay, cracked fillings, root canals, and many others. If your tooth is beyond repair with a filling material, we may recommend that the best viable option to save the tooth is a full crown. The reasons for this type of restoration in a badly damaged tooth are durability, cosmetic appearance, and overall support of the chewing function.

Types of Crowns
If the dentist decides that you are in need of a full crown, there are a few different options for the repair of your tooth. These options include a full porcelain crown, a porcelain fused to metal or gold crown, or a full gold crown. The dentist will make the determination as to which of these options is the most appropriate for your situation based on your health, state of your tooth, as well as your personal goals. You can be comfortable in knowing that your new tooth will be virtually unnoticeable and flawlessly complement the rest of your smile.

Once you have decided to move forward with a full crown restoration, we will set aside 2-3 appointments to restore your tooth. Although the majority of crowns are completed in two visits, there is sometimes a need for a third visit to ensure a proper fit. If CEREC is being utilized for your restoration, only one appointment is necessary.

The procedure begins with the removal of all decay in the tooth. Once we have removed the decay, we will take an impression of the tooth. This impression will be sent to our lab where your new restoration will be crafted. While this new tooth is created, we will provide you with a temporary restoration. The temporary restorations will resemble your natural teeth so that you can continue with your daily life without worrying about a missing or incompatible tooth.

During your second visit to the office, the dentist will proceed with the placement of your final restoration. This crown will be fitted comfortably into the mouth. They will make every effort to ensure that the new tooth feels exactly like one of your natural teeth. The final step in the process is to cement the crown into your mouth, leaving you with a beautifully restored smile.
Tags:cosmetic dentist new york, crowns new york, dentist new york, dentistry new york, porcelain crowns new york
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Porcelain Bridges
Dec. 14th, 2008 at 2:56 PM

A bridge is one of the few options that you have when deciding how to deal with a missing tooth or teeth. The replacement of these missing teeth is necessary in order to maintain the proper mouth functions. Tooth loss can affect the way you eat, speak, and the alignment of other teeth in your mouth.

Types of Bridges
A bridge, by definition, is a link or connection between two permanent structures. A dental bridge is very similar in that it attaches the restorative teeth (bridge) to the natural teeth on either side of the gap. This dental bridge acts as your new teeth, closing the gap and restoring your smile. Bridges are often constructed of gold or metal foundations with porcelain fused to the foundation. This ensures that the bridge will support the normal functions of the mouth.

Bridges can either be fixed or removable. A fixed bridge is bonded to the natural teeth, or abutments, and can not be removed by the patient. A removable bridge is often attached by metal and can be removed for cleaning purposes. Your dentist will determine which of these options is more appropriate for your specific situation.

The procedure begins with preparation of the natural teeth, or abutments. We will shape the abutment teeth so that the ends of the bridge will fit comfortably on each one. The next step is to take an impression of the area. This impression will be sent to our lab where your new restoration will be crafted. While this new tooth is created, we will provide you with a temporary restoration. Temporary restorations will resemble your natural teeth so that you can continue with your daily life without worrying about a missing or unattractive tooth.


Here at the Harley Street Smile Clinic we offer porcelain veneers crowns and bridges to restore your smile. Check out our gallery of before and after photos of the cosmetic dentistry we have provided just this year.


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