Porcelain Veneers

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Porcelain Veneers - Fast track to a perfect smile

Porcelain Veneers
It seems everybody today wants whiter than white teeth. All the celebrities have them, and film stars seem to have had them forever. Most people rely on a quarterly painless cleaning by their dental hygienist and the rest of the time they use extra whitening toothpaste. Those who are really keen for the brightest teeth go for cosmetic dentistry. This is something that is particularly popular in places like Beverly Hills, and cosmetic dentistry is becoming big business.
Yet another way that people achieve extraordinarily white teeth is through the use of dental veneer. People with money to spare will often do this if their teeth are badly stained or discolored. Small strips made from either porcelain or plastic are made to cover your teeth and makes them look even whiter than God intended. These covers are known as dental veneers.
Top-notch cosmetic dentists are already on the bandwagon and if you search on the net you will find Beverly Hills veneers, Los Angeles veneers or Orange County cosmetic dentists. These dentists and dental technicians offer everything from the smallest strips to correct slight imperfections, to full dental veneers caps for the whitest teeth ever.
Porcelain veneers are quite expensive and these are the kind most often found in celebrity dental clinics. They can cost thousands of dollars but your teeth will retain their whiteness for ten to fifteen years. It takes a number of appointments with a cosmetic dentist to have these fitted because they are molded to fit over your teeth.

The other type of porcelain dental veneers that you can get are called composite or direct veneers, but even these can cost several hundred dollars a tooth. Each veneer is applied separately and directly to the tooth so that this form of veneer can be done at one single appointment.
If you can afford them, veneers will cover discolored or badly stained teeth and the effects will last for years. A lot depends on how concerned you are about the whiteness of your teeth and how much money you have to spend.
At the moment veneers would be out of reach of most people’s budgets so it looks as though the sales of extra whitening toothpaste will not suffer too much.

The Harley Street Smile Clinic beleive porcelain veneers or dental veneers are the perfect cosmetic dentistry solution for most people. If you want to have a perfect smile,veneers can change the appearance of your teeth dramatically in such a short space of time. Just 2-3 appointments over a 2 week period can have you smiling like you've never smiled before. there is no longer a need to have braces in order to correct your smile. Porcelain veneers offer instant solutions to age old dental problems.

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